Announcement of Strategic Partnership with Lyve Finance – DAPPAD+


We are thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with Lyve Finance, a trailblazer in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Lyve Finance’s mission resonates deeply with our core values, emphasizing the importance of safety, reliability, and high-yielding opportunities in the world of income-generating assets.

Lyve Finance has consistently demonstrated its commitment to fostering a robust LSD ecosystem. Their dedication to providing a decentralized, trustless, and permissionless public LSD liquidity layer for layer2 is commendable. Their efforts in supporting users to seamlessly cross-chain all LSD assets to layer2, while ensuring higher returns and maintaining ETH exposure, are unparalleled.

Furthermore, their vision of offering a platform for emerging LSD protocols to attract liquidity and generate value is a testament to their foresight and commitment to enhancing the overall decentralization and security of the LSD ecosystem.

At. Dappad+, we believe in backing innovative platforms that prioritize user benefits. Lyve Finance’s continuous endeavors to enhance capital return rates and capital utilization efficiency align perfectly with our ethos.

As we embark on this journey together, we invite our community to stay tuned. The future holds exciting prospects, and while we won’t reveal all our cards just yet, let’s just say that our support for Lyve Finance goes beyond mere words.


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